Refund Policy | Save the Bouquet

Refund Policy

Preserved flower art created by Save The Bouquet is a unique form of artistic expression. As art is inherently subjective, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our style by reviewing our showcased work before commissioning a piece. Please note that there are no refunds or returns based on personal preferences regarding a completed piece.

All payments are non-refundable, with no exceptions.

If we do not receive your flowers within the week of booking, we reserve the right to cancel your order, and no refunds or exchanges will be provided.

In the event that your piece is lost or stolen by FedEx, any insurance funds will be used to either refund your order (up to $1,000) or cover the cost of recreating your piece.

You may cancel your order at any time, but all payments made are non-refundable without exception.

Orders may be subject to cancellation if:

  • Payment is not received within 15 days of the issued invoice.
  • We do not receive your Design Review Form by our second reminder or within the requested 10 days.
  • You do not schedule your consultation after our second reminder.
  • Flowers are not received within the week of booking.
  • If either party terminates the order, you are responsible for paying any invoices and fees incurred up to the date of termination.

Failure to complete your payments or forms within the specified timeframe may result in order cancellation.

If any payment is not received on time, the entire outstanding amount will become immediately due. If payment is not completed within 15 days of our notice, we reserve the right to terminate your order.